Wednesday 24 October 2012

Riddle of the week! Plus Lasagne.


Dear Lasagne

Thank you for always keeping your delicious taste. Unlike some food which gives a nasty taste, (I'm looking at you, Eggplant) you always manage to give me the best taste of all foods. Although you rudely decide to drop yourself onto my light tops and stain them, I forgive you because you are just so scrumplitcous. 

You don't even decide to spread yourself into a sloppy mess all over my plate, but keep together in one piece! You sit there, waiting for your destiny in my stomach obediently and don't scramble everywhere.

Thank forever more,

Riddle of the week!
A woman shot her husband, held him under water for 5 minutes, hung him, then went with him out for dinner one hour later. How is this possible?
Answers next week

Keep sending in those riddles and jokes to the email address shown on the side!

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